20 Corrupt Attorney Marc Randazza Florida Bar Bribery Accusations
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engaged in the practice of law in the Stale of Nevada in any capacity, except to the extent such was in his capacity as a member of the bar of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada.
6. At the direction of Excelsior, Respondent pursued violations of Liberty's intellectual property rights by third parties through his separate law firm.
7. On or about June 20, 2012, Respondent, on behalf of Liberty, filed a lawsuit in US District Court, District of Nevada against FF Magnat Limited d/b/a Oron.com ("Oron") for alleged violations of Liberty's intellectual property. See Case No. 2:12-cv-01057-GMN-RJJ (hereinafter "Oron Litigation").
8. On or about June 21, 2012, Respondent obtained an injunction in the Oron Litigation freezing certain accounts and funds belonging to Oron.
9. On July I, 2012. Respondent and attorneys for Oron signed a letter memorializing settlement terms in regards to the Oron Litigation and a similar case between the two parties in Hong Kong (hereinafter "Settlement Letter"). An essential part of the Settlement Letter was that Oron would pay Liberty the sum of $550,000 with said sum payable to Respondent's Attorney Client Trust Account.
I0. A dispute arose after the Settlement Letter was signed. On behalf of Liberty. Respondent filed a Motion to Enforce Settlement.
11. By Order dated August 7, 2012, the United States District Court found that the Settlement Letter constituted an enforceable contract as there was a "meeting of the minds as to all material terms on July 5, 2012." A Judgment was entered in the docket of the above-entitled Court in favor of Liberty as Judgement Creditor and against Oron as Judgment Debtor for $550,000.00
12. By Order dated August 21, 2012, the United States District Court ordered PayPal, Inc., to transfer funds belonging to Oron to satisfy the Judgment by paying $550,000.00 to the trust account of Randazza Legal Group.