Guest post: Don Juravin

Marc Randazza is damaged goods with a bad reputation. Judges don’t like to side with him because of his “serious misconduct.” Judges are supposed to be impartial, but it is difficult to be impartial when someone flagrantly violates rules and traditions in court. I can best write about it because I suffer from a judicial bias myself. Randazza is trying to be popular and have more followers, or any followers. However, he seems to attract bitter followers, not scholarly followers. It seems like he’s writing court proceedings for the media and not for the judge, which may hurt clients. Do you think a judge prefers a professional written document or one that carries self-promoting advertising in bright red? If that is not enough, court documents submitted by Randazza carry all his contact information at the top as if he is desperately trying to get business from the web.

Is Marc Randazza a True Believer in Free Speech?

NO. Definitely not. A true believer in free speech also practices free speech. Marc Randazza is accused of falsely and maybe fraudulently taking down free speech articles and videos of himself. Basically, he doesn’t practice what he preaches. It seems like a fraudulent copyright takedown notice, by attorney Ronald Green (Randazza Legal Group), was sent to a publisher with a possible false DMCA complaint demanding that an art which doesn’t belong to their clients, will be removed. It’s a picture of my house and yet attorney Ronald Green claimed that it had been “copied onto your servers without permission.” However, the picture was literally of a building that belongs to me and the banner is not the property of Dwight Schar or Bella Collina. Schar, Bella Collina, and its associates do not own the house in question. My family owns that house and their picture.

Marc Randazza fraudgulent DMCA letter – attorney Ronald Green

Randazza Fired By Alex Jones

HuffPost writes that “outrageous” Randazza is “curiously chummy” with fascists and racists. Randazza has also represented several Neo-Nazis in court, including Andrew Anglin, who published the address of a Jewish realtor on the Nazi website The Daily Stormer. But “rude” Randazza was so bad that even conspiracy theorist Alex Jones had to fire him. The InfoWars founder was told by a Connecticut judge that Randazza was “tainted.” The same judge accused Randazza of “serious misconduct.” In addition, Randazza lied while filing claims for Jones in the state of Connecticut, where he was not licensed to practice.

Randazza Rejected by Judge in Neo-Nazi Case

A federal judge has ruled in an SPLC lawsuit that neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin, who was defended by corrupt attorney Marc Randazza, must pay more than $14 million in damages for using his website to launch an antisemitic campaign of terror against a Jewish woman and her family. Neo-Nazi Anglin was represented by “tainted” Randazza, who had previously been fired by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. HuffPost writes that “outrageous” Randazza is “curiously chummy” with fascists and racists. Randazza has also represented several Neo-Nazis in court, including Andrew Anglin, who published the address of a Jewish realtor on the Nazi website The Daily Stormer. Randazza chose to defend neo-Nazi Anglin, who targeted a Jewish family, the Gershes, online. According to the Washington Post, “Anglin himself posted an image with Gersh and her son’s face superimposed on a photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp.” Chief Judge Dana L. Christensen, of the U.S. District Court in Missoula, Montana, wrote that “Anglin exploited the prejudices widely held among his readers to specifically target one individual.” Randazza withdrew after Anglin refused to show up. Randazza said he and two other attorneys will “vigorously” represent Anglin while they still are enrolled as his lawyers. “But there’s not much I can do in this situation but withdraw,” Randazza said. Yet, the judge wrote, “Anyone can look at the history of this group and reach the same very obvious conclusion.”.

Randazza Calls Free Speech ‘Defamation’

Corrupt attorney Marc Randazza believes that he “seek[s] to preserve the First Amendment and ensure the right to free speech, however small or persecuted the speaker.” However, he is more than willing to hide behind European privacy laws in order to protect himself from free speech. The site CorruptRandazza.com has exposed today a threatening letter sent, in a seemingly “discreet” fashion, to an English publisher who had published pieces by journalists about the corruption. In the letter, the “free speech defender” Randazza wants pieces about him taken down. Marc Randazza hired an English law firm known as “Cohen Davis Solicitors” to shamelessly (and frivolously) take down multiple legitimate opinion articles with “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” plastered at the head of the letter. The warning was probably given in the hope that the letter will not be made public. The articles Randazza wants deleted expose his past, including the many bar complaints and court rulings.