Marc Randazza STEALS Online Content He Don't Like
Diane Duke of the Free Speech Coalition, Sean Tompkins of TheRealPornWikiLeaks (TRPWL), Matthew Holder, Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre, Will Ryder aka Jeff Mullen, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group, August Kurt Brackob aka Kurt Treptow and Julie Meadows aka Lydia Ann Lee on my various websites all linked through (namely,, &
On today’s special Easter edition of Monica At Home – I announce my possible return to the pornographic industry due to currently being named in a frivolous lawsuit by Jennifer of Randazza Legal Group – which is an effort to enslave me to Marc Randazza via debt bondage. I believe Marc Randazza has a relationship with the Nevada brothels via Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre, Sean Tompkins (TRPWL) and Marc Spiegler. I believe their goal is to essentially sextraffick me into the Nevada legal brothel system by utilizing (and abusing) the Nevada courts to create a $10,000 debt of which I would have to pay to Jennifer Randazza if my motion to dismiss the lawsuit is not granted. In this webcast I will cover how associates of Marc Randazza (Randazza Legal Group) have habitually stalked, harassed, cyber bullied and defamed myself and family members (namely my father) over the years. I will present evidence which shows communication between Marc Randazza and those who claimed to take down pornwikileaks, but did not – as well as evidence of which I believe points to the initial communication I received (of which I believed was from Jennifer Randazza) in actuality being a “set-up” by Randazza Legal Group in effort to establish grounds for a lawsuit. In effort to not be forced into the Nevada Brothels via this lawsuit by Randazza Legal Group, I have opted to announce that I will return to the pornographic industry as a performer if a $10,000 legal judgement is made against me. As a solo independent webcam girl I don’t believe I could pay off a $10,000 in the time given to me, but by re-entering the pornographic industry I may be able to. Regardless, I fear for my life at this stage. If I return to pornography I believe I am bound to contract HIV / AIDS – so if the Nevada courts rule against me – they are essentially a party to manslaughter (aka murder). I believe the current situation of which I’m in, is solid evidence of how the pornographic industry will not allow performers to leave (or speak out).
: I want you to see EXACTLY what these Los Angeles porn trolls do to the girls and women who end up in Porn Valley. Marc Randazza is a LICENSED, PRACTICING attorney. Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre is a well known porn industry thug. These men, whom btw have been given mainstream media access on several occasions in the past year, are actively stalking, harassing, intimidating and threatening a fellow activist and anyone else who speaks out about the criminal activity and abuse running rampant in Porn Valley. These men are criminals. They belong to organized crime syndicates. They are physically tracking and stalking an American citizen. This is what we’ve lived with for the past several years. It’s been 6 years this month for my family. Where is the justice? Where is our right to a safe and normal life?? When you go to work inside the Los Angeles adult entertainment industry, you go to work for The Mob. Once you’re been there, they never leave you alone!! Why is our American judicial system allowing these porn industry criminals to stalk innocent citizens who are whistleblowers of massive abuse and corruption in a legal US industry?? Why is Marc Randazza still allowed to practice law when it’s obvious all he does is intimidate those who report on his industry’s corruption, abuse and RICO violations!
As of today (February 15, 2014) Bass / Whiteacre has made it known publicly that he is monitoring and recording Alexandra Mayers on her live webcam (of which she performs solo independent live shows as Monica Foster). Bass / Whiteacre has an extensive history of stalking, harassing and threatening Alexandra Mayers and her family members along with various other camgirls, pornstars, ex pornstars and anti-porn activists.
This development is on the heels of Alexandra Mayers making it clear she will be taking legal action against Randazza Legal Group and the privately owned company GoDaddy. As of February 13, 2014 it came to Alexandra Mayers’ attention, that Marc Randazza abused the United States legal and court system in conjunction with GoDaddy in attempt to subpoena her personal information. Randazza it appears has withdrawn the subpoena and his employee attorney Ronald D. Green has admitted fault in the matter to Crystal Cox. As of current it appears that Ari Bass may be monitoring Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster’s live cam shows on behalf of Randazza Legal Group (Marc Randazza specifically). In addition Ari Bass has stated on his twitter he is relocating to the Las Vegas, NV area (fairly close to where Randazza Legal Group offices located). It is advised that independent solo webcam performers use
Marc has tried very hard throughout the years to counter the stereotype of his ancestry and occupation, but he’s failed miserably time and time again. In his latest effort to be liked and respected (as you can read below), he’s attempting to be the champion for “freedom of speech” – especially where bloggers are concerned.
Only one problem – every second, of every minute, of every day more and more people become aware of his egotistical, hypocritical and unprofessional personal behaviors and business practices due to the tireless investigative research, reporting and blogging of Crystal Cox (a woman who’s freedom of speech Marc Randazza has attempted to silence, and a woman who’s career and personal life he’s attempted to ruin).
Click here for the truth about Marc Randazza on and here via a blog of Crystal Cox. Much of Marc Randazza’s activity in my opinion parallels that of the individuals who have stalked, harassed, cyberbullied, intimidated and defamed myself (and that of my family) for close to 3 years (and ironically Marc Randazza has been found to have affiliations with these individuals). Please watch the videos posted below to learn about Crystal Cox and the unprofessionalism and unethical behavior of Marc Randazza (the 2nd video in particular is very telling – Marc Randazza has a history of playing both sides of the fence and Crystal’s initial interaction with Randazza is a prime example).
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has signed a bill approving revisions to Nevada’s anti-SLAPP statute, improving protection for people who are sued for actions related to their exercise of free speech. Las Vegas First Amendment attorney Marc J. Randazza, managing partner of the Randazza Legal Group, spearheaded the bill, which, among other things, broadened the existing statute’s coverage. Anti-SLAPP statutes deter frivolous or vexatious lawsuits, more commonly known as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP). Plaintiffs in SLAPP suits file a complaint against a defendant in an effort to discourage the defendant’s exercise of his or her First Amendment rights. Typically, such lawsuits take the form of defamation or related claims. The purpose of the SLAPP suit is to force the defendant to abandon his or her efforts to speak out by making the costs of speaking lawfully too high to bear.
While Nevada already had an existing anti-SLAPP statute, Randazza realized after opening his Las Vegas office that it was anemic compared to similar statutes in other states, such as California and Oregon. The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently held that Nevada’s current statute only protected communications made directly to a government agency. In contrast, California’s statute protects defendants in lawsuits filed by one private individual or corporation against another when the speech involves an issue of public concern. Because of how the previous statute was worded, the Ninth Circuit determined that there was no way to appeal a decision denying an anti-SLAPP motion. The result was a weaker statute that did not give Nevada victims of SLAPP suits many options to get out of litigation. The bill the governor signed on June 3 contained a number of changes to broaden the statute’s protections. Most importantly, the bill expanded the scope of the statute to provide immunity from lawsuit (not just liability) to any person exercising free speech rights in relation to an issue of public concern. This means that plaintiffs who sue people exercising free speech rights involving a matter of public concern in an attempt to stifle that speech may have their cases dismissed entirely. If successful, the defendant can then ask the court to order the plaintiff to pay the defendant’s attorney fees, as well as additional damages of up to $10,000.
“The bill Gov. Sandoval signed ensures that Nevadans now truly have First Amendment rights,” Randazza said. “A stronger anti-SLAPP statute means that fewer frivolous lawsuits will be filed in Nevada courts. People engaged in activities protected by free speech no longer have to worry about the threat of vexatious lawsuits. Nevada’s anti-SLAPP statute is now on par with some of the most protective laws in the country.” Randazza Legal Group is a First Amendment, intellectual property, and Internet law firm with offices in Las Vegas and Miami. Randazza has represented a number of defamation defendants across the country.