Nevada Attorney Marc Randazza who filed a SLAPP Lawsuit AGAINST his former client, Blogger Crystal Cox to SUPRESS her Speech and is NOT really a First Amendment Advocate for all. And even illegally and unethically uses Trademark Law to Chill Speech, Well he is accused of Bribes connected to Nevada Slapp Law, Check it Out.
It is said that politics make strange bedfellows; so what could be stranger than Democratic State Senator Justin Jones, a Mormon with family values, and Marc Randazza, a porn attorney and a speech advocate for pedophiles whose client list includes Phillip Greaves author of "The Pedophile's Guide”,, Bang Bus and Milf Hunter. So what brings these two opposite personalities together: money and politics.
On October 6, 2014 Mr. Randazza published a blog post which could be construed as an admission that he bribed Senator Justin Jones. In the blog he writes:
"Two years ago, my partner, Ron Green, introduced me to a guy. That guy’s name was Justin Jones. Justin was running for State Senate in Nevada. … I shook his hand and said “if you will sponsor an Anti-SLAPP bill, I’ll vote for you, and I’ll contribute to your campaign.” He promised me that he would do so. Within days of taking office, he made good on his promise. Today, Nevada has the strongest Anti-SLAPP law in the country".
UPDATE: attorney Marc Randazza has removed/hidden the relevant pages which are displayed in
Mr. Randazza has upheld his end of the bargain as well. He has given money to Senator Jones’ campaign and he is also actively fundraising for Mr. Jones.
These fundraising activities include hosting a reception for Mr. Jones where the recommended minimum donation was $250, We ar not certain if the reception took place or if it was a fundraising sham. Mr. Randazza is also actively trying to raise money for Senator Jones via social media.
This raises the question is it legal or did Mr. Randazza publically announce he bribed State Senator Justin Jones? This is a question best answered by the Attorney General and why a concerned citizen Don Juravin has filed a Nevada Public Integrity Complaint with the Office of the Attorney General (complaint attached).
Under Nevada Law (Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 197), bribing a public official is a crime. NRS 197.010 and 197.020 defines bribery as: A person who gives, offers or promises, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward to any executive, administrative or public officer of the State, with the intent to influence the officer with respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding.
Receiving a bribe is also a crime. According to NRS 197.1030 and 1040 an executive, administrative or public officer or person elected or appointed to an executive or administrative office who asks or receives, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof, upon an agreement or understanding that his or her vote, opinion or action upon any matter then pending, or which may by law be brought before him or her in an official capacity, will be influenced. To a lay person, it appears that both men may have violated the law.
Don Juravin came forward to report the activities of Senator Jones and Attorney Randazza, because he believes in the integrity of our electoral system and that no one person should wield undue influence over government officials. As Mr. Juravin stated “at a bare minimum this shows the Nevada political system can be corrupted.
It will be interesting to see if the Attorney General views Mr. Randazza’s statements as an admission that he bribed a State Senator and that Senator Jones accepted this bribe. We await her investigation and trust that in the end the integrity of the political system will be strengthened.”
What is an anti-SLAPP law and why would Mr. Randazza or Senator Jones care about the law?
An Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law is designed to protect free speech by not allowing individuals to use the court system to restrict free speech.
Mr. Randazza is a proponent of an Anti-SLAPP law (pornography lawyers generally want to be able to say and show anything), and he has brought numerous SLAPP lawsuits and generated tens of thousands of dollars in revenue for himself and his law firm.
A stronger Nevada Anti-SLAPP law means more money for Randazza. Why does Senator Jones care about a SLAPP law?
As far as we can tell he does not. There is no mention of the Anti-SLAPP law on his website and we could not find any record of this being a concern to him or his constituents before he met Randazza and was promised campaign contributions in exchange for the new law.
The only mention we could find of Mr. Jones and SLAPP was an October 15, 2013 tweet by Senator Jones promoting an article written by Marc Randazza. It appears that Senator Jones is only concerned about SLAPP laws because of his relationship with Mr. Randazza.
It appears Senator Jones and Attorney Randazza may be in an unethical quid pro quo relationship. On May 6, 2013 Senator Jones and Mr. Randazza appeared together at the assembly of the Committee of the Judiciary about than Senate Bill 286 to ensure the passage of the Anti-SLAPP law.
At that hearing, not one mention was made of Mr. Randazza’s promise to reward Senator Jones with political contributions and a vote if the bill passed. We speculate that if the promise was known at the time, the law would not have been passed.
“It does not seem to pass the smell test” said Mr. Juravin. “A Mormon Senator and a porn lawyer on its face is strange. But when that Senator is pushing for legislation for the porn lawyer and the lawyer is giving money and raising money for the Senator, it just seems wrong and the Attorney General needs to investigate.
I hope that the Attorney General will use the full strength of her office to protect the integrity of the Nevada legislature and ensure that no laws can be bought. I also believe that the public needs to hear from Senator Jones on the issue as well.”
Along with filing this press release, Mr. Juravin also filed a Nevada Public Integrity Complaint with the Office of the Attorney General. Mr. Juravin’s office also made this information available to the Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office.
UPDATE: attroney Marc Randazza has removed/hidden the relevant pages which are displayed in
About Don Juravin
Mr Juravin is a Florida resident, business man and concerned public citizen. He is the inventor of the Gastric Bypass NO Surgery (®, which is a regimen that provides one of the world’s strongest non-surgical weight loss solutions in the world with about 80,000 users so far. Users lost 100 pounds without a surgery.
As full disclosure, he is Vice President of Roca Labs, which is in litigation with Opinion Corp. that is represented by Mr. Randazza. It is because of this litigation that he learned of Mr. Randazza’s blog and was shocked to read what he believed could be construed as an admission to bribing a State Senator.
About Marc Randazza
Marc Randazza is a Nevada attorney and resident. Marc rose to prominence in the legal field by representing pornography manufacturers and distributors. In 2011 XBiz World Magazine named Randazza as one of the Top 50 newsmakers of the adult entertainment industry. He has represented numerous pornography companies and pedophiles all in the name of free speech.